15 of the Best Alphabet Books for children of all ages
The alphabet is magical and wondrous. It is the building blocks of a complex code that unlocks the world of literacy. Children are exposed to letters at an early age from the environmental print around them. Learning keywords that start with the letters of the alphabet helps to strengthen alphabet knowledge and the connection between letters and sounds. Reading alphabet books aloud with your child will unlock the world of letters, vocabulary, and letter play. Here are 15 Reading Boots favorites for all age readers:
Baby & Toddler (Ages 0-3)
Alligator Alphabet, by Stella Blackstone, great first alphabet book with cute and colorful illustrations of animals and alphabet letters.
Eating Through the Alphabet, by Lois Ehlert, introduction to alphabet letters through vibrantly colored illustrations of fruits and vegetables.
B is for Bear, Roger Priddy, a rhyming alphabet book perfect for babies and toddlers with touch and feel pages.
LMNO Peas, by Keith Baker, cute little pea characters with interesting occupations interact with alphabet letters in a whole variety of funny ways.
Emergent & Beginning Reader (Ages 3-6)
Click, Clack, Quackity-Quack, By Doreen Cronin, the beloved animals from Cronin “Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type” are planning a picnic in this alphabetical adventure.
A, B, See . . . The Beatles!, by Jill Davis, a blast from the past! Readers will get educated on the history of the Beatles while learning the ABCs. Perfect for the young and young at heart Beatle lovers.
A My Name is Alice, by Jane Bayer, a Reading Boots childhood favorite, is filled with alliterations about animals from around the world selling interesting things. It is sure to make lasting memories.
Intermediate Reader (Ages 6-8)
Animalia, by Graeme Base, an alphabet animal fantasy adventure filled with exquisite illustrations, robust vocabulary words, and hidden pictures for the reader to find on each page.
Q is for Duck: An Alphabet Guessing Game, by Michael Folsom, celebrating its 25th year, kids will delight in figuring out the alphabet riddles.
The Z was Zapped, by Chris Van Allsburg, amazing black and white pencil drawings add intrigue to the mysterious mishaps of alphabet letters on a theater stage.
Have fun diving into the wonderful world of the alphabet!