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Word Power | Episode 008


In Reading Boots Episode 008, you will learn how to play a fun and magical game called, Word Power. In Word Power, your child will have the opportunity to turn into a word magician! This game is sure to be a favorite amongst emerging and beginning readers!

Word Power is an After Reading strategy that is used to reinforce sight words, letters, and sounds. Sight words are the most common words found in the English language. Children need to know these words immediately, by sight, to become proficient readers. I have included a link to the Dolch Sight Word lists in this post. For more information about sight words, check out Episodes 005 and 007.

SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel to stay updated on when I post new tips, strategies, and tricks of the trade.

“David Goes to School” Book: https://goo.gl/4Jmui6

Dolch Sight Word Lists: https://goo.gl/pHytoc

Category:After Reading
The Basics on Selecting, Introducing, & Organizing Sight Words | Episode 007
Letter Cheerleader | Episode 009