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Dedication Page | Episode 055

In Reading Boots Episode 055, you will learn a fun after reading strategy called Sticky Note Dedication. Sticky Note Dedication focuses on the author’s dedication page. You will talk to your child about why an author includes a dedication page in the book. You can read the dedication page together and discuss why the author decided to dedicate the book to the specific people. You can ask your child who he/she would want to dedicate a book to and why.

After reading the book aloud, tell your child that he/she will get to write his/her own dedication on a sticky note and add it to the author’s dedication page. Ask your child to think about someone special. When your child decides who to dedicate the book to, you can write it on the sticky note with or for your child, then have him/her add it to the dedication page. This activity will help your child understand the importance of the dedication page and will create excitement around reading the dedication page during read alouds. Your child will love this meaningful strategy!

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Category:After Reading
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